Unified Police Attempt Murder of Elderly Car Accident Victim
Salt Lake City
On June 24, 2022, a car accident happened in MillCreek, Utah. Police arrived at the scene with the intent to create a crime scene. Their target? An elderly woman. Why? The car and driver who hit her was one police chose to make disappear.
Following the car accident, E Brinker was taken to St. Mark’s hospital, a few blocks away. She arrived in heart failure 35 minutes after the collisions took place at the intersection.
E Brinker reported the abuse by police, and the hospital recorded the injuries she sustained both during and after the car accident. No follow up was made for the abuse. Police themselves had characterized her as a criminal driver, and therefore their abuses and attempted murder became overlooked as matters of overeager criminal apprehension. She sustained a broken nose and gravel ground into her skin. She sustained internal injuries in the car accident of over 19 fractured and broken bones, including 11 fractured ribs on the back and left side of the body–with corresponding damage to the left side and driver door of her vehicle. One rib somehow severely punctured a lung. At the hospital she almost died and did not receive scans for internal injuries until almost 2 hours passed. E Brinker was eventually found by her family and received a life-saving operation on her lung. She did not die. Police were never charged.
However, in creating a case of charges against E Brinker, police included accident data and images of the scene. Those images show an additional black crashed car police failed to include as part of the car accident. The omitted car along with the fabricated story distributed by police, provides motive for their abuse and attempted murder of E Brinker. The #6 vehicle was the only car crashed inside the intersection. Police created a printout of 5 cars with insurance info and with no black car on that list. The 6th car appears to be a Nissan Altima.
That vehicle is clearly present in the FARO data from the scene, yet was also omitted from the car accident by the SLCo area Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Unit. In their reconstruction they display a list of 5 cars, none of which are a black Nissan. Yet the 6th car is there, and sits on a fluid trail left by the Silver Hyundai. If a line were drawn from the blue Kia back to the intersection, that line ends at the black crashed Nissan.